My love for music started early. At the age of five, I already took ballett – and piano-lessons in Berlin. When I was nine, first choir appearances were broadcast on SFB.

Then life brought me to Frankfurt/Main and to Dr. Hochs Konservatorium for the first education in classical music. At the same time I joined the Frankfurt Jazz Academy, realising that my heart already belonged to both directions of music.

I took acting classes after Stanislawski and I read psychology at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University in Frankfurt.

I deepened my education under the tutorship of Edmund Brownless (Dr. Hochs Konservatorium), Prof. Karl-Heinz Jarius ( former master pupil of Benjamino Gigli) and finally with the wonderful Kammersängerin Prof. Csilla Zentai (Folkwang Hochschule Essen).

What followed were some exciting concerts. To mention but a few, a premiere composed by Tigran Mansurian at the Opera House in Yerevan, appearances at the Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Heinrich Heine House, Düsseldorf and quite a few works performed in France, Italy and other places overseas.

Theatre and music are irreversibly connected. Each aria and each song have to be told. And telling always also means acting.